Reports re A report from Mr. J. Fare was read re
Players Paterson (Leicester City), Rankin (Motherwell), Scott
(Dumbarton), White (Albion Rovers), Purcell (Burslem),
Aitken (Bury).
Also one from Mr. J. Craig re Longmuir
(Ardrossan) v white (Albion Rovers).
Messrs Francis & John Davies also reported very
favorably on Taylor (C. H. Skelmersdale U.) & stated
that Brockbank (O. L. Skelmersdale U.) was very
Bowman A telegram was read from this player
stating his inability to play in Easter
matches owing to illness.
Industrial Schools An application for use of ground
for match on 15th inst. was not entertained.
England v S. Africa A letter was read from the F.A.
asking for nominations for the team for
this tour, but the Secy. reported that none
of our players were anxious to go & it was
therefore decided to reply to this effect.
I. Zingari Cup An application was received from
the I. Zingari League for use of ground for
this final - It was agreed to offer Wed.
Apl. 28th, provided we had no match on
the ground for that date.
Butterton It was agreed that Mr. Sawyer
endeavour to go to Wrexham to watch this
player on Sat. next.
L'Pool Union An application from this Union
of Boys Clubs for use of our ground for their football
& cricket finals was not entertained.
J. McQuarrie An application having been received
from Ayr United F.C. for this player's league
transfer, it was decided to grant same.
55th Division It was agreed to allow this Comrades Assocn.
to make collections on the ground on 24th Apl. & 1st May.