176 Fern Downs Maconnachie Weller Leiveseley Grenyer Jones Kirsopp Peacock Howarth Harrison (or Blair) Res.: Fleetwood v Middlesbrough, away:- Fern Downs Maconnachie Weller Fleetwood Grenyer Jones Kirsopp Blair Howarth Harrison Reserve Leivesely. v Derby County, away:- Same team, bar accidents. v Southport, away:- Mitchell Page Evans Lawson Brewster O. Williams Brown Wall Parker Rigsby J. Evans v Huddersfield, away:- Mitchell Page Thompson Lawson Brewster O. Williams Brown Spencer Parker Rigsby J. Evans v Southport, at Home:- Mitchell Bowman Thompson (or Evans) Lawson Wareing Robinson Brown Spencer Kearslake Rigsby Donnachie (or Ben Jones) Team v L'pool Reserve to be left until Tuesday. v Formby Trinity "A" Team Bromilow Bowman Rooney M. Jones Steward Dales Smith McGrae Kearslake Jackson Battersby v Chester, away "A" Team:- Bromilow Stroud Rooney M. Jones Stewart Dales Smith McGrae Lawson Jackson Battersby Directors on Easter Tour:- Messrs Coffey & Green. Director to Southport & Formby Mr. Francis. Representative to Huddersfield H. E. Cooke. Next Meeting Ordered that the next Meeting take place at the Ground on Tuesday, 6th April 1920, at 5.30 pm. the preliminary business being to select team to play L'Pool Res. that evening. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 6/4/1920