L'pool County Cup The Secy. reported that he had
Semi Final arranged with L'pool F.C. to play this tie
on Wed. Apl. 21st. Action confirmed.
Football League The Chairman gave a report on the
Meeting proceedings at the Extraordinary General
Meeting held at Manchester on the 16th inst.
Southport F.C. Letter read from this club stating
that they were not prepared to consider the
transfer of any of their players until after
the Easter matches. The Secy. was instructed to write
asking them to inform us when they decided
to do anything.
Henderson The Secy. reported that he had signed
this player on at £4 per week for month's trial.
Morgan Presentation A circular was read appealing for
subscriptions. Secy. was instructed to enquire the
amounts being contributed & report at next meeting.
Shares for Sale Letter read from R. Griffiths asking
for offers for 2 shares. Decided to leave matter
over until next meeting.
Walker A letter was read from the Dumbarton
(Dumbarton) F.C. offering this player. Decided that Secy.
make enquiries & that Messrs Green, Coffey & Secy.
proceed to Scotland on 27th inst. to see him play
& if satisfactory to negotiate.
Dominy The correspondence with the Southampton
F.C. re this player was read.
Butterton A report was read from Mr. J. Fare
re this player & it was decided that he be
seen again next Saturday.
Director to Crewe Mr. J. G. Davies
do to Buckley " H. Halsall
do on Gate Chairman
Special Training It was decided to take the following