170 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on Monday 22nd March 1920] Present Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) " A. Coffey Mr. J. G. Davies " E. Green " R. T. Francis " H. Halsall " John Davies Mr. H. Banks The Minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting held on the 15th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gross gate on the 20th inst. was reported to be £277.14.0 Tax £69.7.7 Amt. due to L'pool Schools F.A. £137.7.8 & net share to us £70.18.9. The Secy. reported that the amount recd. from the Bangor Comrades F.C. for ½ net gate on 17th inst. was £23.6.9. The Bank Balance was reported to be £7112 Dr. Cheques were presented & signed for the following:- Collector of Customs & Excise London Tax £69.7.7 L'pool Schools Football Assocs. Share of Gate £137.7.8 T. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £350.0.0 Reports of Reports were received of the matches Matches v Sheffield U. 1-1, Crewe Alexr. 0-0 & Burtonwood 3-2. McLachlan The Chairman reported on his interview with the Aberdeen F.C. re this player. Pilkington Messrs Halsall & Francis reported that owing to this player being injured early in the game Chorley v Eccles United they could say nothing with regard to his abilities. There was no player of note in the Chorley team. McGill (Scotswood) The Secy. reported that these two Ward (Carlisle) players were not quite up to the standard required by us. Secondary Schools An application for use of ground for Shield Final this match was left in hands of Secy. to arrange.