163 St. Bernard's players The Secy. reported that he had watched Henderson & Welsh play last Saturday, but could not recommend them on form shown. Fletcher It was decided to ask the Southport YMCA Club for permission to approach Fletcher (centre forward). Brewster The Chairman reported that he had given this player permission to go home to recuperate. F. Belmont A letter was read from this gentleman re his expenses, and it was decided to pay him £20. National Institute A letter from this Institution was read for Blind asking it we could arrange a match for the benefit of their funds. It was decided to reply that nothing could be done at present. National Lifeboat It was decided to give this Institution Institution permission to make a collection on our ground on the 27th inst. St. Helen's League An application for a donation towards prizes for a whist drive & dance for benefit of their funds was not entertained, but the Secy. was instructed to inform them we were prepared to send a team out on 1st may. Jenkinson The Secy. reported that the Liverpool F. C. were prepared to accept £1250 for this player's transfer, but it was decided not to entertain it. Players Picnic It was decided to grant a sum of £20 towards this picnic. Football League It was decided that the Chairman & Meeting Secy. attend this special meeting on 16th inst. at Manchester. Hamilton (Kilmarnock) Letters were read from the Clubs that Thompson (Dundee) they were not prepared to part with these McDonald & Dick(Airdrie)players.