
				[At a Meeting of Directors
				held at the Bradford Hotel,
				Liverpool, on the 4th March 1919]

			Present :-
			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			John Davies Esq.	R. T. Francis Esq.
			J. G. Davies Esq.	E. Green Esq.

			The Chairman read letter received by him from Mr.
		H. Banks intimating that he was now convalescent.
			He also referred to the absence of Mr. H. Halsall
		through illness, & Mr. A. Coffey who was in the Isle
		of Man on business.
			Mr. E. Green being present once more, the
		Chairman extended to him a cordial welcome & congratulated
		him on being demobilised  after serving his Country.
			The minutes of the proceedings at a meeting held
		on the 25th ultimo  were read & confirmed.

Reports			It was reported that the match at Bolton was
		won 6-3.
			The game at Dingle Park last Reserves v South
		Liverpool was reported to be a reverse of 3-2.

Bank Balance		The Bank Balance was declared to be
		£3,219.3.1 Dr.

Team			Ordered that Teams for Saturday be & are
Selection	selected as follows :-
		v Preston N. E. 	Mitchell
				Smith		Robinson
			Fleetwood 	Wareing 	Grenyer
		Kirsopp   Jefferis   Gault   Clennell    Donnachie
		Reserves :- Fern, Thompson, Page, & G. W. Jones.

		v Marine at Waterloo :-
			Berwick		 Pearson
		Peacock 	Kelly 		O. Williams
		Howarth, McQuarrie, Forshaw, Rigsby & J. Evans
		Reserves :- Carty, Shepherd, Delaney & Carwick.