157 Rd. Downs Barnsley F. C. having signified by letter that Barnsley R. Downs was on Transfer at his own request, the Secretary was desired to ascertain the prospective fee required for the player & report to the Chairman. Bangor A letter of confirmation was submitted Comrades from the Bangor Comrades F. C. re match at Bangor on Wednesday, 17th proximo, the guarantee being £20. Ormskirk & Resolved that a donation of £10 be made Dist. League to the funds of the Ormskirk & Dist. League in consideration of their visit to Goodison Park last Saturday. Cinema Managers It was decided to grant the Liverpool & match Manchester Cinema Managers the use of our Ground for their intercity match, on the 10th proximo. Bootle The Bootle Hospital Committee having Hospital appealed for assistance towards their deficit. Resolved that they be informed that the Board will deal with the matter later in the Season. Players Dr. Baxter reported that he had examined G. Brewster, who would not be fit for a week or two. He would suggest to the man that he take a holiday at a seaside resort to recuperate. Resolved that Mr. Belmont be asked if Harrison & Miles would come on trial. That Messrs Coffey & Green visit Winsford re Corbett full back Winsford Utd. & the left back of Altrincham That Messrs Banks & Francis go to Prescot to see the Cuptie there re Clockface player & St. Helens forward. It appearing that there was a probability of South Shield Club parting with Woods (inside left), it was arranged that Mr. McIntosh be requested to make enquiry whilst in the Dist, both as to this man & Maitland, & if favourable, he to stay there, open up negotiations, & watch the players on Saturday. If no hope, he to proceed to Glasgow on Saturday. Hull City to be approached as to the fees