155 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on the 24th February 1920.] Present:- Mr. W. R. Clayton (in the Chair) " H. Banks Mr. John Davies Dr. J. C. Baxter " J. G. Davies Mr. A. Coffey " R. T. Francis Mr. E. Green. Mr. H. Halsall at Newcastle on the business of the Club. Minutes The Minutes of the proceedings of the Directors at a Meeting held on the 17th February 1920, were read & confirmed. Finance The Gross Gate on Wednesday last was reported to be £936.11.11, Expenses £242.5.0, & net Gate £694.6.11, Oldham Athletic F. C's 20% proportion being £138.17.5. The Gross Gate on Saturday the 21st instant, was returned as £75.8.8, the entertainment tax on same being £18.17.2. It was reported that the amount payable by Newcastle F. C. re the match played on the 11th inst. was £165.2.2, but owing to Cup Tie postponement compensation had to paid to this Club, & statement was submitted showing the average sum due to be £336.15.0 Cheque for which had been received & paid to Bank. Aston Villa F. C. had also remitted the amount of £344.0.1 for proportion of Gate on their ground on the 14th inst., the Gross Gate being £2276.13.6 & Expenses £556.13.0. The Bank Balance was declared to be £3465.4.7 Cr. Cheque were presented & signed as follows:- Collector of Customs. Entertainment Tax £199. 1.9 T. H. McIntosh Wages & Expenses 300. 0.0 Football Association Subs and Cup entry 1. 11.0 Dundee F. C. Fee re Bissett 250. 0.0