
			[At a Meeting of Directors held
			at the Bradford Hotel on Monday
			9th Feby. 1920.]

		Present	Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair)
			Mr. H. Halsall	Mr. E. Green	Mr. J. G. Davies
			" J. Davies	" A. Coffey
			" R. T. Francis	" H. Banks

		The minutes of the proceedings at the meeting
		held on 3rd inst. were read & confirmed.

Finance			It was reported that the gross gate
		v Aston Villa on 7th inst. was £2997.3.4
		Entertainments Taxs & Exs £692.6.10 ½% to Football
		League £11.10.5 & 20% to Aston Villa F. C. £458.13.2
			The Bank Balance was reported to be
		£3619.14.6 Cr.
			Cheques were presented & signed for
		the following amounts:-
		Collector of Customs & Excise	£643.17.6
		Football League Ld. ½%		£ 11.10.5
		Aston Villa F. C. 20%		£458.13.2
		F. Jefferis	Percentage	£200. 0.0
		T. H. McIntosh	Wages &c.	£320. 0.0

Reports			Reports were received of the matches
		v Aston Villa 1-1  Aston Villa Res 0-3 & Prescot 4-0

Reports on		Messrs Green & Halsall reported that
Players		Myerscough & Brown were of no use to us
		at present & that Little did not impress as forward.
			Messrs Coffey & Francis reported that Kelly
		& Unsworth of Chorley did not play well
		but that Rosbotham of same club was useful.

Team Selection		The following team was selected v
		N'cle United (away) on 11th Feby.
				Fleetwood	Weller
			Brown		Brewster	Grenyer
		Chedgzoy    Kirsopp    Parker    Rigsby    Harrison
		Reserve	Gault