10 Mitchell Smith Robinson Fleetwood W.areing Grenyer Kirsopp Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserves:- G. W. Jones, J. Page & R. Thompson v South Liverpool at Dingle Fern Berwick Pearson Peacock Kelly O. Williams Howarth McQuarrie Forshaw Rigsby Shepherd Reserves:- J. Carty, & J. Jones. Director to Bolton :- Mr. A. Coffey & Mr. W. R. Clayton do Dingle Messrs R. T. Francis & J. G. Davies. West Derby Union The Chairman reported his interview with Mr. J. McKenna re the West Derby Union Rating, & it appeared that the Assessment would be increased by £100 to £150, which was considered reasonable. Ordered that the Balance Sheets for 1913-1917 be furnished as requested. Police Services The Chairman also Reported that he had seen Mr. Manners of the Empire Theatre re Police Charges for regulating queques & ascertained that he paid £3.13.2 per week for 2 Police Constables. He had further interviewed the Head Constable regarding the proposed amended rates referred to in the Minutes of last Meeting, & the Matter would receive further consideration. Lord Mayor's Resolved that a Donation of £50 be Silver Badge made by this Club towards the Lord Mayor's Fund Silver Badge Fund for disabled Soldiers. Players Benefits The Chairman stated that he had had an interview with the Chairman of the League with reference to giving some of our players a benefit this Season seeing we have 12 or 14 to provide, & more than four cannot be given in one Season.