124 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool on 22nd Decr. 1919] Present:- Mr. W. R. Clayton (Chair) " A. Coffey Mr. J. Davies " H. Halsall " E. Green " J. G. Davies " R. T. Francis Mr. H. Banks The Minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting held on 16th Decr. inst. were read & confirmed. Finance It was reported that the total Gate at Nottingham v Notts C. on 13th inst. was £990.19.4, Expenses & Tax £246.12.7 & that our 20% was £148.17.4. It was also reported that the Gross Gate on Saturday last v Liverpool was £1958.18.5 Entertainment Tax & other expenses £464.18.9 & 20% to Liverpool F.C. £298.15.11. The Bank Dr. Balance was declared to be £408.11.6. Cheques were presented & signed as follows Collector of Customs Entertainment Tax £404.16. 7 Football League ½% 7.10. 2 Liverpool F.C. 20% 298.15.11 T. H. McIntosh Wages & Exs. 280. 0. 0 Reports Reports were received of the matches v Liverpool 0.0 & Tranmere Rovers 2.1. Aberdeen F.C. Letter was read from this club agreeing to give us refusal of Brewster & McLachlan when they decided to part with them. Smart ) The Chairman agreed to go to Halesowen Halesowen) on the 27th inst. to watch this player.