120 Director to Nottingham:- Mr. H. Halsall. do on Gate Mr. R. T. Francis. J. S. Maconnachie Resolved that J. S. Maconnachie be sent to Dr. McMurray for examination & report re his knee trouble. Next Meeting The Next Meeting of the Board was fixed for Tuesday, 16th inst. at the Bradford Hotel at 6:30 p.m. Players The names of various players were discussed including Hamill of Belfast Celtic, Philipson of Scotswood, Brewster of Aberdeen McDonald (Airdrieonians), McGrory (Dumbarton) Orr (3rd Lanark), McCall (Celtic), and the Secretary was deputed to visit Scotland & enquire re players, wiring Messrs Coffey & Green to go to Glasgow on Friday if necessary. Mr. Tilston The Chairman reported that he had authorised the payment of £10 to Mr. Tilston (& others) towards his expenses re G. W. Jones, & the same was confirmed. Weatherhead's Messrs Weatherhead & Son having sent a/c an a/c for work done re Office Chimneys, it was decided that as the Chimneys were still smoking & a cure had not been made of same, the account be not paid, & they be requested to visit the Clubs premises & see the condition of affairs when the wind is in the West. Confirmed. Chairman A. Coffey 16/12/1919.