8 & also that the Club must pay for the Members of the Force engaged outside the Ground regulating the queues, & c. Ordered that no reply be sent until the Chairman has interviewed the Head Constable regarding the matter generally. Player L. Lloyd Resolved that player Llew: Lloyd be informed that this Club will raise no objection to his playing for any other Club. J. Galt The Chairman read letter received by him from James Galt, late Captain of the Club, as to his present status. Resolved that he cannot be paid more than the amount stipulated by the League for players taking part in matches, & that we cannot undertake to find him employment. W. E. Gault Resolved that the action of the Chairman in authorising the payment of £10 to W. E. Gault as a Loan to assist him during the present Boilermakers' Strike be & is hereby confirmed. Chas. Parry The Chairman read letter from Charles Parry, an old player of the Club, asking for assistance to procure a football, to use in a Benefit match on his behalf, he being laid up through ill health} Resolved that as the said letter was received too take to comply with his request, a £5 note be forwarded to the player to help him in his adversity. Next Meeting Ordered that the Next Meeting be held at the Bradford Hotel on Tuesday, 25th inst. at 3.0 p.m. Confirmed A. Coffey. Chairman, 25/2/1919