116 F. Russell Resolved that F. Russell, full back, be signed on at £2 per week. Chelsea F.C. The Secretary was instructed to inform & Players the Chelsea Club that the transfer fee for Jas. Miller is £1500, but that the Directors have no intention of transferring Geo. Harrison. Runcorn Mr. G. Clarkson's report was read with Players reference to his visit to Dingle Park, and commented favorably re Kane, left full back & Hughes, centre half. F. Sugg Ltd. Messrs Frank Sugg Ltd. having loaned & Jerseys. a dozen Jerseys for use during completion of order for first team's shirts, & now being desirous of their return. Resolved that the same be purchased for the use of the "A" team. Asst. Trainer's It was agreed to replace the hand bag, Bag belonging to the Assistant Trainer, with a new one at a cost not exceeding 30/-, it having been badly damaged by rodents. Goodison Covering note for Fire Insurance on the Property Property in Goodison Avenue & Goodison Road for £11,000,was produced, & the Chairman intimated that this had been necessitated in consequence of some delay in the completion of the purchase of the Houses. Players Mr. T. McIntosh submitted the names of several players who might be negotiated for & he was requested to communicate with the Clubs concerned & report further. Next Ordered that the Next Meeting of the Meeting Board be held at the Bradford Hotel, on Tuesday next, the 9th inst. at 6:30 p.m. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 9/12/1919.