113 v Wrexham, Wednesday, 3rd Dec.: Mitchell Page Evans Borwn Leiveseley M. Jones G. W. Jones Jefferis Cameron Rigsby Evans Reserve:- Mayson. Directors to Bolton Messrs Banks & Davies Jnr. Director on gate Mr. Coffey. do to Skelmersdale " Francis. do to Wrexham Messrs Coffey, Davies Jnr. & Francis. Next Meeting Ordered that the next meeting of the Board be held on Tuesday next. Social Resolved that a Dinner & Social evening be arranged for Tuesday evening, 2nd Decr. at either the Exchange Station Hotel, or the Hotel St. George, & that Mr. T. McIntosh, be introduced to the Staff & Players. The further details were left to the Chairman. Finance The receipt of Cheque £108.0.9 from Bradford City F.C. for the 20% of Gate on the 15th inst. was reported, & the Gross Gate at Home on Saturday stated to be £1498.1.9, Expenses £375.5.7, Net Gate £1122.16.2 20% due to Bolton Wanderers F.C. £224.11.3. R. Glade It was decided to terminate the Agreement with R. Glade, on account of his play being under this Club's Standard. Resolved Parker That the return fare to Glasgow be refunded to R. Parker. Clock Face That the railway fares paid viz. £1.19.0 be refunded to the Clock Face Club. J. H. Galt That J. H. Galt's application for permission to play for a Scottish Club during the Season, without transfer, be refused, & the Chairman to reply to the said Letter.