111 Next Meeting The Next Meeting was fixed for Tuesday 25th inst. at the Bradford Hotel at 6:30 p.m. L'pl. County Resolved that the Liverpool County F.A. F.A. be granted the use of Goodison Park on the 5th April next for the Final of their Challenge Cup. L'pl. Football Also that the Liverpool Football Hospital Hospital Cup Cup Committee be allowed to replay their semi final tie on own Ground on Wednesday next, the 26th inst. Football The Football League having requested an League explanation re taking a brown jersey for the goalkeeper, to Blackburn, on the 1st inst. the Secretary was instructed to explain that it was owing to the Outfitters being unable to supply the jerseys in time, & also following the practice of other Clubs. Transfers The Transfer of 3 partly paid Shares Numbered 637 to 639 from Herbert Allman to James Charters was approved & passed. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 25/11/1919.