
		v Bolton Wanderers at Home:-
				Smith		Robinson
			Jefferis       Wareing	    O. Williams
		Miller	   Kirsopp     Gault	 Rigsby	  Donnachie
		Reserves:- Page, Thompson.
		v Harrowby, away:-
			Berwick		Pearson
		    Hilton	Hepworth	Kelly
		G. w. Jones,   Howarth   Mc.Quarrie   Halsall & Evans
		Reservs:- Matthews, Delaney.

Director on gate:- Mr. J. G.  Davies.
			Mr. Thos. Fern to go to New Brighton to report
		on the Reserves fixture.

Copenhagen		A further letter was read from Mr. Nils
Tour		Middleboe anent the suggested Copenhagen tour
		pressing for a decision.
			Resolved that in view of the present
		unsettled state of things & the difficulty re pass-
		ports, the Board cannot entertain the proposal at

Lord Mayor's		Resolved that the Consideration of the Lord
Silver Badge Fund Mayor's communication regarding his Silver Badge
		Fund be deferred until the Next Meeting.

West Derby		Ordered that the request of the Rating Surveyor
Union		to the West Derby Union for 6 years Balance Sheets
		be deferred pending a consultation between the Chair
		-man & Mr. J. McKenna on the subject of Rating.

Police			The Head Constable having intimated that the
Services	Charges for Police services at Matches would from the
		1st proximo be revised to the following fixed rates:-
		  Inspectors	15/-	Irrespective of time employed
		  Sergeants	12/-		do
		  Constables	10/		do