105 v Bradford City Reserve, away:- Mitchell Berwick Evans Peacock Glade M. Jones Howarth Robinson Cameron Mayson Evans Reserves:- McQuarrie & O. Williams. Director on Gate:- Mr. H. Banks do to Bradford " A. Coffey Next Meeting Resolved that the Next Meeting of the Board take place at the Bradford Hotel on Tuesday, 11th instant, at 6:15 p.m. re Miller A Letter was read from Blackburn Rovers F.C. asking if the Directors would transfer J. Miller. Resolved that they be informed that we are willing to negotiate regarding this player but it must be on the basis of an exchange for one of their first team Backs, & the Directors are prepared to receive a Deputation on the matter in Liverpool, on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week. Goodison Mr. E. Leach having written acknowledging Avenue receipt of Cheque of £1,100 - 10% Deposit on the Property purchase money for the Goodison Park Avenue property & intimating that the matter would be completed & Contract sent on for approval. Resolved that Messrs Weightman Pedder & Weightman be appointed as this Club's Solicitors to deal with the purchase on our part. Secretaryship The Chairman reported that he had received a communication from Mr. T. McIntosh of Middlesbrough agreeing to accept the Board's offer of the Secretaryship, & had arranged for him to commence his duties on the 1st December next. W. Baker Mr. J. G. Davies was authorized to arrange for W. Baker, centre half, to have a further trial