103 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on the 28th October 1919] Present:- W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair) H. Banks Esq. J. G. Davies Esq. A. Coffey Esq. E. Green Esq. J. Davies Esq. H. Halsall Esq. Team Resolved that teams be selected for Selection Saturday as follows:- v Blackburn Rovers, away Fern Page Weller Fleetwood Wareing Greyner Chedgzoy Kirsopp Gault Clennel Harrison Reserves:- J. Donnachie & Brown. v Blackburn Rovers Reserves @ Home Bromilow Berwick Evans Peacock Slade Hunter Miller Robinson G. W. Jones Rigsby Evans Reserves:- O. Williams, Leivesley. Players Mr. A. Coffey & the Secretary were deputed to visit Dundee on Friday & interview the Dundee F.C. Directors regarding Raillt (fullback) with power to negotiate up to £800. And also to visit Falkirk on the Satur- day to see Stupart, left full back of the East Stirlingshire Club, Play. Secretaryship Mr. T. McIntosh of the Middlesborough F.C. attended the Meeting, & interviewed the Board in regard to their invitation to his accepting the Office of Secretary. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 4/11/19