101 The Gross Gate last Saturday was stated to be £1,738.15.6, Expenses £421.11.6, & the Net Gate £1317.4.0. The proportion due to the Blackburn Rovers F.C. was £263.8.10. The Bank Balance was declared to be £313.11.1 Dr. Cheques were signed as follows:- Customs Entertainment Tax £368. 1. 0 Football League ½% 6.12. 5 Blackburn Rovers F.C. 20% 263. 8.10 Secretary Wages &c. 240. 0. 0 The selection of Teams was deferred until the Meeting tomorrow evening. Director to Blackburn Mr. W. R. Clayton do on Gate " J. G. Davies Next Meeting Resolved that the Board meet at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool, tomorrow, Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. Messrs Coffey & Banks were deputed to visit Stockport on Saturday to see Helliwell the centre forward of Barnsley F.C. Players Resolved that a Piano be hired for Socials 6 months, with the option of purchase for use at the Players' Social evenings. Secretaryship The Chairman stated that he had received a letter from Mr. W. J. Sawyer asking to be released from the arrangement to become stipendiary Secretary as per Minute of 30th September last, he being desirous of continuing service with his present employers & that he had on behalf of the Board given consent. Mr. McIntosh of Middlesbrough had been approached with a view to his acceptance of the position, & arrangements made for him to interview the Directors in town on the 28th inst. He thanked Mr. Sawyer for his efforts on