99 he may be expected to return to Liverpool, seeing that he has now been away over a month recuperating. A. Grenyer Alan Grenyer was granted 3 Days leave to visit his parents & transact his private business. Frodsham F.C. Resolved that the application of Frodsham F.C. for a match with our "A" team in aid of their injured player J. Randle, be acceded to, & they be requested to name a suitable date. Marine F.C. Also that a further Match be arranged with the Marine F.C. for the 15th proximo. J. Stott & It was decided not to offer any engage E. Mathews -ment to either John Stott on Ernest Mathews & the Secretary was authorised to send represent -atives to Dingle, &c. to watch likely players. Rowing Mr. J. G. Davies reported that Messrs F. Machine Sugg. Ltd. were prepared to install a Rowing machine, with accessories, for the sum of £30, & he was authorised to arrange the matter. R. W. Gillies The Secretary was instructed to supply s d Mr. R. W. Gillies with a Season ticket for 7/6 plus tax, in accordance with the articles of association, he being an old Member without Shares. Hospital Cup Resolved that the Liverpool Football Competition Hospital Cup Competition Committee be granted the use of this Club's Ground for their Semi final tie on Wednesday, 29th instant. Glasgow Junior Also that the Secretary of the Glasgow Junior F.A. F.A. be informed in reply to his application that the match suggested by him would not succeed in raising sufficient money to cover expenses. Next Meeting Ordered that the Next Meeting be held on Tuesday next at Goodison Park at 7:15 p.m. Confirmed W. R. Clayton Chairman 27/10/1919