
					[At a Meeting of Directors held
					at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool
					on the 18th February 1919]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			A. Coffey Esq.		J. G. Davies Esq.
			John Davies Esq.	H. Halsall Esq.
			The chairman intimated by the absence of Mr.
		R. J. Francis was due to the death of his Brother.
			Resolved that a letter of condolence be
		sent to Mr. Francis & his family in the sad loss
		they have sustained.
			The Minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting
		held on the 11th instant, were read & confirmed.

Reports			The results of the Home Match on Saturday last
		was reported to be 3-1 for this Club.
			Mr. J. G. Davies reported re the Match at
		Warrington, when the Reserve team won 4-2.

Finance			The Gross Receipts of the Match at Hanley on
		the 8th inst. were reported to be £340/7/1 & the Expenses
		£100.16.7 leaving the Net Gate £239.10.6 the 20%
		proportion due to this Club being £47.18.1 cheque for
		which had been received & paid to Bank.
			The Receipts on Saturday last were
		reported to be £701.1.1 Expenses £204.18.10 leaving
		the Net Gate £496.2.3.
			Ordered that Cheques be signed as follows:-
		Collector of Customs & Excise. Tax	£158. 1. 8
		League	3½ percent			  17.19.10
		Port Vale F.C. Ltd. 20% proportion	  99. 4. 5
		Secretary Wages & Expenses		  60. 0. 0
			The Bank Balance was declared to be
		£3231.9.3 Dr.

Team			Resolved that Teams be selected for
selections	Saturday Next as follows:-