
					[At a Meeting of Directors
					held at the offices of the Co.
					Goodison Road, Liverpool on
					the 21st of October 1919.]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			H. Banks Esq.		J. G. Davies Esq.
			A. Coffey Esq.		E. Green Esq.
			John Davies Esq.	H. Halsall Esq.
			The Minutes of the proceedings of the Directors
		at Meetings held on the 14th & 16th instant were
		read & confirmed.-

Reports			Reports were given of the matches v Arsenal
		(1-1), Blackpool (3-1) & Prescot (1-1).
			F. Jefferis' report re centre forward Helmsley
		was read, & it was decided to do nothing further in the matter.
			Messrs Coffey, Green & Banks reported re
		their visit to Hamilton & Glasgow Rangers were
		telephoned re full backs. The Secretary was further
		-more instructed to send Jefferis to Dundee to see
		the players watched last week by the Directors named.

Finance			The Gross Gate last Saturday was
		reported to be £23.10.4, & the Tax thereon £5.17.7.
			The Bank Balance was declared to be
		£2,494.9.9 Dr.
			Cheques were signed as follows:-
			Collector of Customs Tax	 £5.17.7
			Secretary Wages &c.		240. 0.0

Team			Teams were selected for Saturday as
Selection	follows:-
		v Blackburn Rovers
			Maconnachie	Weller
		    Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Miller  Kirsopp  Gault  Clennel  Harrison
		Reserves:- Page & Donnachie.