
				[At a Special Meeting of Directors
				held at the Bradford Hotel Liverpool
				on the 16th October 1919.]

			W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair)
			H. Banks Esq.		A. Coffey Esq.
			Dr. Baxter		E. Green Esq.
				H. Halsall Esq.

			The Chairman having intimated that the
		business of the Meeting was to decide, whether or
		not a deputation be sent to the League Meeting
		in Leeds tomorrow, Friday, to bid for the Leeds
		City F.C. Players, & read circular received
		from the League, the matter was fully considered
		& it was
			Resolved that as this Club do not
		Know any of the players concerned, it is not
		desirable to make any offer.

Players			It was arranged that Messrs Coffey &
		Banks go to Glasgow on Friday to watch
		Dundee & Hamilton Academicals play.
			Also that Mr. Green go to see the Blyth
		Spartans play as arranged provided a reply
		be received from Mr. J. E. Spruce that their player
		is still on offer, otherwise he accompany the
		Deputation to Glasgow.


					W. R. Clayton