93 [At a Meeting of Directors held at the Offices of the Co., Goodison Rd. Liverpool on the 14th October 1919.] Present:- W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the chair) H. Banks Esq. J. G. Davies Esq. A. Coffey Esq. R. T. Francis Esq. John Davies Esq. E. Green Esq. H. Halsall Esq. The Minutes of the proceedings of the Directors at a Meeting held on the 7th instant, were read and confirmed. Reports Reports were given of the matches v Arsenal (2-3) Blackpool (0-3) & Graysons Garston (1-2). Mr. Green reported his visit to Blyth and Commented favorably regarding the Home Centre forward. He & Mr. Banks were deputed to visit Newcastle on Tyne District on Saturday to continue watching this player, with power to negotiate for him up to £200. F. Jefferis report re Accrington Stanley's Centre forward Emsley was read, & the Secretary instructed to send him scouting again on the 18th inst. Finance It was reported that the Gross Gate on Saturday was £2,039.7.11, Expenses for Entertainment Tax &c. £483.14.7, leaving a balance of £1555.13.4, 20% of which payable to the Arsenal Club is £311-2-8. The Bank Balance was declared to be £1,428.14.5 Dr. Cheques were signed as follows:- Collector of Customs Tax £431. 3. 8 Football League ½% 7.16. 4 Arsenal F.C Ltd. 20% 311. 2. 8 W. J. Sawyer Wages & Exps. 300. 0. 0