
		v. Rylands Recs. away:-
			Berwick 	Pearson
		     Hilton 	Halsall	    O. Williams
		G. W. Jones  Howarth  Roberts  Rigsby  J. Evans
		Reserve:- Matthews & McQuarrie.
		Director on Gate:- Mr. W. R. Clayton. Directors to Warrington:- Mssrs. P. Davies & Francis

Players			Resolved that Players Fleetwood, Wareing,
Compensation 	Donnachie, Miller & Clennell be paid for loss
		of wages incurred through injury &c. playing football
		& that the League Secretary be informed that Clennell
		was injured at Hanley, but as he will only be off 3
		days, the Board do not propose to ask the Federation to
		pay his Compensation.

Next Meeting		Ordered that the Next Meeting be held at the
		Bradford Hotel on Tuesday 18th inst. at 3.0 p.m.

L'pool Central		Resolved that the Liverpool Central Combn.
Combination 	be allowed the use of Goodison Park on Good Friday
		morning for their Cup Final.

Property		It was reported that Notices had been received
defects 	from the Liverpool Corporation Sanitary & Water Engineers
		Department requesting certain repairs being done to
		the Houses in Gwladys Street.
			Ordered that such Notice be handed over
		to Mr. H. Banks for attention.

Lancs. F.A.		Resolved that the fee of 5/6 be paid to the
		Lancashire F.A. re the Senior Cup Competition.

Inter League		Resolved that the Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey
Match		represent this Club at the Inter League Match on the
		22nd inst. & that the League be requested to supply 2 tickets for them.

J. Miller		A Report was read from Dr. W. H. Broad re
		his examination of Jas. Miller from which it appeared
		that the player would be fit for Duty on the 22nd inst.

					W. R. Clayton.