81 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel February 27th 1917.] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chairman Messrs H. Banks A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies H. Halsall B. Kelly. Minutes The Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed. Aircraft The Secretary reported that Aircraft Insurance would be accepted at half rate. Blackpool The Secretary having read Blackpool's letter of the 22nd inst. denying the truth of the statements made, he was instructed to write accepting same and to say that the responsibility for our action must be laid on the shoulders of their player Dunn. Reports The games at Preston and Warrington were reported. Mr. Coffey reported his visit to the Haydock v. Clock Face game. That Brown & Murray Clock Face Right Wing (especially the inside rights Brown) were very good indeed; asked to play on the 10th prox. Letter of thanks for the use of the ground was read from Graysons.