69 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, January 23rd 1917] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs Banks J. Davies J. G. Davies Halsall Kelly Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. The game at Blackpool was reported. The receipt of £65.12.8 from the League as the share due for distribution by us of our percentage contribution was reported. It was resolved that the League be asked to permit us to defer the allocation of this sum until the end of the Season. The President's acknowledgment of our grant of £200 in aid of the poorer clubs was read. Team v Fern Rochdale Smith Thomson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Challinor Cooper Morris Jefferis or Gee Donnachie Reserves Mitchell, Stewart, Bradbury, Lloyd v Huyton Kelly Quarry McDougall Taylor Snape Keddie Dale Barker Clarke Ashcroft Murphy Agar