60 The Government having decided that the tax on double season tickets is to be calculated & paid on the proportionate cost of each ticket for each person & not on the lump sum charged for the whole ticket, the Secretary was instructed to charge & pay Tax at that rate on all tickets issued in future & to pay an amount representing the difference between the tax at 2d & 3d respectively which has been paid on the double tickets already issued & the tax at the current rate of 4d. Team v Mitchell Southport Smith Thompson C. Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Jefferis Blair Clennell Peate Reserves:- Fern, Stewart, Bradbury, Kirsopp, Morris, Lloyd. v Stockport Fern County Smith Thompson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Chedgzoy Jefferis Morris Clennell Peate Reserves:- Mitchell, Stewart, Bradbury, Lloyd, Kirsopp & Blair v Mill Vale Bromilow Taylor Clark Hunter Snape Dale Challinor Clarke Birchall Elliott Taylor Reserves - Harris & Rastall Director in gates - 30th inst. Mr. Kelly, Jany. 1 Mr. Clayton Teams The Secretary was instructed to arrange for the names of the teams to be exhibited