57 The Secretary reported that the gross receipts 1 Bury were £109.17.3 and the following payments were passed. Entertainment Tax £16.5.1 League 6% £4.8.0 The game was reported. The Secretary stated that Kirsopp was unable to play through illness & would be unfit for a fortnight. Mitchell Team v Smith Thompson Stoke Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Lloyd Jefferis Blair Clennell Harrison Reserves:- Fern, Stewart, Dunn, Bradbury, Morris v L'pool Mitchell Thompson Dunn Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Lloyd Jefferis Blair Clennell Harrison Reserves:- Fern, Stewart, Bradbury v Stockport C. Fern Thompson Dunn Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Morris Settle Blair Clennell Harrison Reserves:- Mitchell, Lloyd, Stewart, Jefferis, Bradbury. Director on gate - Mr. J. G. Davies to Stoke - Messrs Coffey & Banks Stockport- Messrs Banks Complimentary tickets were granted to Mr & Mrs Blair and Mr Dean