Director on gate Mr. Jno. G. Davies
St. Dunstan's It was resolved to make a donation of
Hostel £25 to the Hostel for Blinded Soldiers and
Sailors at St. Dunstan's Regents Park
and to take up a collection therefor during
our game with Liverpool on Xmas Day.
The Secretary was instructed to have
some posters & handbills issued inviting
An appeal by the Stanley C.C. for financial
assistance was made & the further
consideration thereof deferred. The
Secretary was instructed to ascertain
if a similar appeal to Liverpool & if so
what they proposed to do.
Goodison Messrs Kelly & Banks were empowered to
D/D roof. arrange for the necessary re-tiling
of the roof of the Goodison D/D stand.
Next Meeting Tuesday Novr. 28 at the Bradford
Hotel at 3 p.m.
Nov. 28th 1916 W. R. Clayton