
Team	v			Mitchell
Burnley			Smith		Thompson
		   Fleetwood	Wareing		Grenyer
		Jefferis  Kirsopp  Morris  Clennell  Harrison
		Reserves:- Fern, Taylor, Dunn, Stewart, Bradbury
		& Lloyd.

Director to Burnley	Mr. Banks

Reserve games	The Secretary was instructed to endeavour
		to arrange away matches for such players
		as were not required for League games.

Next Meeting	November 21st at 3 at Bradford Hotel.

		The Secretary reported that the receipts on
		Saturday last were £358.9.11
		The following payments were passed
		Entertainments Tax on gate	£53.3.5
		do	on Season Tickets	    1.5
		League 6%			 17.1.8

		Permission to sell tickets, in aid of the
		Meal & Allied Trades Red Cross Appeal, at
		Goodison Park on the 25th inst. was granted.

Nov. 21st 1916				W. R. Clayton