46 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel November 14th 1916.] Present All the Directors except Mr. Green. Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Dunn The inclusion of Dunn & Challinor in Saturdays team in place of Smith & Grenyer was reported. The Secretary was instructed to pay match expenses to Grenyer, Fleetwood & Jefferis. The Secretary reported that he visited the military game at Heaton Park & Duckinfield & that in his view Williams left half Richmond, inside right Rainford (centre) and Finnegan inside left were well worth inclusion in our team in an emergency. Saturday's game was reported. R. H. Simpson The Chairman reported that on Saturday last in the dressing room our player R. H. Simpson was grossly insubordinate and that he the Chairman - had felt compelled to order him from the premises and to forbid him returning in future. The Secretary having read a letter from Simpson the Chairman's action was confirmed.