36 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel October 17th 1916] Present Dr. Baxter Chair Messrs Banks Clayton Coffey Davies Davies Junr. Halsall Kelly Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read & confirmed. Collections on The Secretary reported that the Fund had ground been registered under the War Charities Act, & that £2.11.6 had been collected on Saturday last. It was resolved that the Club give a donation of Ten guineas thereto. Painting The Secretary reported having paid Mr. R. Contract W. Burnand Balance of Contract price 175. 0.0 A/c for Extras 11.12.0 186.12.0 He also reported that Mr. Burnand had expressed the hope that the Directors would make him some concession with regard to the painting of the underside of the roof of Bullens Road Stand, and when informed that the subcommittee would recommend the Board to make him a voluntary payment of £30 he expressed his satisfaction.