													C. 4.

		This Form must be returned to the
			  Town Clerk,
		(Registration, Elections & Licensing
			  Department),				City of Liverpool.
			(Telephone No. 8720 Bank.)


						In the matter of the WAR CHARITIES ACT. 1916.

					(I) (We) the undersigned, being (a person) (persons) duly authorised on behalf
		*Insert name	of the* Everton Football Club Army and Navy Footballs and
		of Charity.	Football Outfits Fund Charity,

				HEREBY APPLY to have the said Charity registered under the above-named

					The following particulars should be furnished by the Applicants:-

		 (1.) The date of establishment.			October 10th 1916.

		 (2.) The precise objects of the Charity.	To invite subscriptions and donations
								and to purchase therewith Footballs
								and Football Outfits for distribution
								amongst the Forces of His Majesty's
								Army and Navy.

		 (3.) The address of the Administrative
		Centre of Charity.				Goodison Park, Liverpool.

		 (4.) The name and address of the Secretary.	W. C. Cuff, Goodison Park, Liverpool.

		 (5.) The name and address of the Treasurer.	W. C. Cuff, Goodison Park, Liverpool.

		 (6.) The full names and addresses and
		descriptions of the Chairman and two		William Robert Clayton, "Avalon"
		Members of the Committee.			Formby, Forwarding Agent.

								James Clement Baxter, 110 Robson
								Street Everton, Liverpool, Doctor
								of Medicine.

								John Davies, 9 Dacy Road, Everton,
		 (7.) The name and address of the Bank or	Liverpool, Team Owner.
		Banks of the Charity.
								The London City & Midland Bank Ltd.
								95 County Road, Walton, Liverpool.

		 (8.) The name and address of the Auditor
		of the Charity accounts,			T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co,
								30 North John Street, Liverpool.

			These particulars are required by the
		  Regulations made by the Charity Commis-
		  sioners under the Act, and it is an offence
		  against the Act to make any false statement
		  in an application for registration.

		 The fee of 5/- must accompany this Form when the Registration is applied for.

		O.36779.150.9/16(52364)415.							  [over.