
		The incident in the Dressing Room on Saturday last
		when the players expressed their refusal to take the
		field unless they received training expenses in respect
		of the practice game of August 28th was discussed.
		The Secretary having pointed out that the usual
		Tuesday evening training on August 29th was not
		held owing to the practice game of the 28th and that
		he had paid to the players in respect of such evening
		practice match 2/6 for tea money and had substituted
		that game for the usual Tuesday training for the
		purpose of training expenses and that therefore the
		players had been paid for 12 training nights including
		August 28th, and 5/- match expenses for August 19th
		and 2/6 for August 28th. The Directors decided that
		these payments could not be exceeded.

		The Secretary reported that the League Management
		Committee had declined to consider the applications
		by the players of Everton and Liverpool for a weekly
		wage intimating that it was a matter for the Football
		Association. It was resolved that the applications
		made to the League be repeated to the Football Association.

		The next meeting was fixed for Tuesday next at 7.15 pm.
		at Goodison Park.

Septr.	19th 1916				W. R. Clayton