
		to extend the season was defeated. He also stated that
		he had arranged with W. H. J. Kirsopp to come Liverpool on
		Saturday to play against Manchester City. On his suggestion
		it was Resolved to write an informal letter to Captain
		Grainger of the Scots Guards asking for Kirsopp's leave of absence.
			Resolved that Oldham Athletic F.C. be written to
		protesting against their action re our Player Cotter and
		asking for an explanation.
Finance			The Gross Gate on Saturday last was reported
		to be £2.3.8 & the Entertainment Tax thereon 10/10.
			The Chairman produced agreements signed by
		Tranmere Rovers F.C. Ltd. & Arthur L. Wilde, re the transfer
		of that player, & the same were approved.
			Ordered that Cheques be signed as follows:-
		Collector of Customs & Excise Tax 	   £ 0.10.10
		Secretary wages &c.			    55. 0. 0
		Football League Contribution to wages Pool 286. 0. 0
		Tranmere Rovers F.C. Ltd. Donation	   100. 0. 0

Bank & Cash		The Bank & Cash Balance were declared to be
Balance		as follows:-  General a/c	Dr. £4081. 3. 5
			      Footballs Fund	Cr.    10. 5. 1
			      Dividend a/c	Cr.     6. 16.0
			      Cash a/c		Dr.	9. 15.8
Team			Ordered that teams be selected for Saturday as follows
Selections	v Manchester City:-	Mitchell
				   Smith	Robinson
			   Fleetwood  	Wareing	       Grenyer
			Kirsopp	   Jefferis Gault  Clennell Donnachie
		Reserves:- Jephcott, Page & Williams.

		v South Liverpool, away:- Lawson
				   Carthy     Moshin
				Hilton	Halsall	  Kelly
			 G. W. Jones McQuarrie  Bond  Matthews I. Evans
		Reserve:- Johnson, Shepherd, Jones.

Director on Gate:-    Mr. H. Banks
Directors to Dingle:- Messrs H. Halsall & Rev. T. Francis
Rev. S. Mees		Resolved that a Complimentary ticket be sent to the Rev. S
		Mees for Saturday's Game.