299 v Rylands Recs at Home:- Lawson Berwick Mashin Hilton Halsall Carthy G. W. Jones, McQuarrie, Ramsey Mathews & J. Evans Reserves:- R. Bond, J. S. Shepherd, H. Johnson. Directors to Manchester:- Messrs Clayton, Coffey & Banks Director on Gate:- Mr. R. T. Francis Soldiers Resolved that Soldiers continue to be admitted free, & that in addition to the usual Gate reserved for them small doors be opened at the discretion of the Secretary. Resolved that:- Billposting The Boro T. Billposting Co. be informed we have no advertising spaces on the Ground to offer them. Wheelbarrow The tender of Messrs M. Finch & Son to supply wheelbarrow at 50/- be accepted. Ladies Team Dick Kerr's Ladies Team of Preston be permitted to play a match at Goodison Park on a weekday. Copenhagen The letter of Mr. N. Middelboe re Copenhagen tour be Tour acknowledged & consideration there of deferred. Lancs Combn. This Club do not proceed to play matches in the Lancs. Auxiliary Comptn. Combination Auxiliary Competition, but arrange "Friendlies" Taxi delay That Mr. A. Pawluski be written to in regard to the delay in taking the Clothes Skip to the Railway Station. Assistant It was reported that the Assistant Groundsman Groundsman Carey was not carrying out his duties satisfactorily. Resolved that he be paid off, & that we advertise for a successor at once. Share The following Transfers of Shares were submitted:- transfers William Whitford to David Wharmby 3 Partly paid 951 to 953 do to W. James Sawyer 3 do 954 to 956 do to John Park 1 do 957 Edward Askew Bainbridge to Annie Margt) 1 Fully paid 2211 Nicholson} do Junr. to do 1 Partly paid 332