298 Club, subject to their paying J. Donnachie the amount due to him by them. Finance The gross Receipts of the Match at Oldham on the 11th inst. were reported to be £184.5.11, & the Gate Expenses, Printing & Entertainment Tax &c. £57.19.0, leaving the net Gate £126.6.11, 20% of which was £25.5.5 being this Club's proportion, cheque for the amount being received & paid to Bank.- The Gross Gate on the 18th inst. was declared to be £718.9.10 & the Expenses:- Entertainment Tax 160.17.2 Referee & Linesman 2.18.0 Printing & Posters 2.14.6 Advertising 2.14.0 Gatemen 9.10.0 Police 5.15.3 10% League 5.6.10 2½% Football Assn. 13.7.0 203.2.9 ------- Leaving the net Gate= £ 515.7.1 ------- 20% of the same due to the Oldham Club being £103.1.5. -------- Ordered that Cheques be signed for the Entertainment Tax, Football League & Oldham Athletic Club's proportion; also for Secretary a/c of wages &c. £60.0.0 Football League, Insurance Federation 10.0.0 Levy General a/c from Football Fund 15.13.1 Bank & Cash The Bank & Cash balances were declared Balances to be as follows:- General a/c Dr. £3,744. 4. 1 Footballs Fund Cr. 10. 5. 1 Dividend a/c Cr. 6.16. 0 Cash in Office 3.17. 7 Teams Selections Resolved that teams be selected as follows:- v Manchester City, away Mitchell Smith Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Scott Duncan) Jefferis, Gault, Clennell, Donnachie or Moreton) Reserves:- Page & Williams.