
Practice	The Secretary reported that he had seen Mr. Arthur
Ground		Kelly who was making inquiries as to a likely tenant.

Teams for	Blues		  Fern
Second			Thompson	Simpson
Practice match	Challinor	Wareing		Dale
		Lloyd  Kirsopp   Curtis   Rigsby  Gilmore

		Stripes		Mitchell
			 Taylor		Dunn
		  Hesketh	Fleetwood   Grenyer
		Hall  Jefferis  Sheldon  Clennell  Harrison

		Reserves :- J. Thompson, Williamson, Stewart, Bradbury.

Election of		T. Fern - Captain.
Captain & Sub-Captain	R. Thompson - Sub-Captain.

		The Secretary read a letter from Tom Fern on behalf
		of the players asking the Directors to press the F.A. 
		for a decision re the payment of players during the
		season. The Secretary was instructed to transmit
		the letter to the Secretary of the League.

Transfer of	Thomas Hiatt to George Fallon
shares		Three partly paid shares Nod. 2464 to 2466

		The next meeting was fixed for Monday after the practice

Aug 28 1916					W. R. Clayton