292 General a/c Dr. £4,396. 1. 10 Footballs a/c Cr. 8. 9. 4 Dividend a/c Cr. 7. 1. 0 Cash in Office Cr. 25. 1. 10 Teams Resolved that Teams be selected for Selections Saturday as follows:- v Oldham, away:- Mitchell Smith Robinson Fleetwood, Wareing, Grenyer Miller Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserves:- Thompson & Williams. v. Horwich at Home:- Lawson Richards Pooner Johnson Baker M. Jones G. W. Jones, Farrington Bond Shepherd J. Evans Reserves:- Delaney, Cotter & Battersby. Director to Oldham:- Mr. W. R. Clayton do on Gate Mr. J. G. Davies J. Donnachie Resolved that the Chairman interview the Oldham Director on Saturday regarding Player J. Donnachie, & that he be empowered to offer an amount up to £200 for him, provided the Club are willing to pay the amount to the player towards the sum owing to him for Benefit. Mr. A. T. Coates A letter was read from Mr. A. T. Coates, a Shareholders, returning endorsed Dividend Cheque for 219, which he desired should be placed to the Footballs Fund for the Army. Resolved that the amount be accepted with thanks & applied to the fund desired.- Stockport Cty. Ordered that the Secretary write to the F.C. Stockport County F.C. pressing for receipt for Cheque £88-12-0.- Nelson F.C. Resolved that the Nelson Football Club be