288 the said Player being on their list at £100. Ordered that the Secretary enquire from Mr. J. Charnley at what sum Miller is entered on Grimsby Town's list. L'pool Fund Resolved that this Club consent to a for Blinded ) Collection being taken on their Ground on New Soldiers & Sailors) Year's Day for the Liverpool Fund for the Blinded Soldiers, Sailors & Civilians. Blackpool A Circular letter addressed to all the F. Club Clubs in the Football League by the Blackpool Football Club Ltd. re the extension of the Season, & the extension of the League to 22 Clubs in each Division, was read. Ordered that the consideration of the matter by this Club be deferred, & for the present no reply be sent to the Questions formulated. Lieut A. Roche Lient A. Roche having addressed an appeal & L'pool Regt's. to the Chairman for football Clothing for the application 1st Kings L'pool Regiment in Germany, & a similar request having been made to the Anfield Club. Resolved that Messrs Suggs Ltd. be requested to supply an outfit to the said Battalion & charge same to the a/c of this Club. C. Redford Mr. C. Redford, a Reserve team player, Injured injured in the 1917-18 Season, having written Player for further assistance, alleging that he was suffering in his business from the effects of the injury. Resolved that he be informed that the Directors cannot see their way to do more than they have done for him. C. Bainbridge Resolved that Mr. W. A. Martin of Fairfield Referee be informed that this Club cannot recommend his relation, C. Bainbridge, as a Referee, without absolute knowledge of his capabilities, & they have already