280 [At a Meeting of the Directors of the Everton Football Club Co. Ltd. held at the Bradford, Hotel, Liverpool on the 17th day of December 1918] Present:- W. R. Clayton Esq. J. Davies Esq. H. Banks Esq. J. G. Davies Esq. A. Coffey Esq. R. F. Francis Esq. H. Halsall Esq. W. R. Clayton Esq. in the Chair The Minutes of the proceedings at a Meeting held on the 10th day of December 1918 were read and confirmed. Reports All the Directors having been present at the Match v Stockport County at Home, a report on the game was considered superfluous. It was reported that the Gross Gate of the Stockport County Match was £620.1.11, and the Expenses:- Tax £141.3.8, League percentage £16.1.4 visiting Club 20% £88.12.0, Other expenses £39.16.4. Net Profit £334.8.7. Bank & Cash The Bank & Cash Balances were declared to be Balances as follows:- General a/c Dr. £4,276. 6. 2 Football Fund Cr. 8. 9. 4 Dividend a/c 13.16. 9 Cash in office 1. 4 Cheques Ordered that Cheques be drawn & signed for Entertainment Tax, Football League percentage, Stockport County F.C. 20% & Players Expenses, Xmas Gifts &c. £75. Turnstiles The defective condition of the Locks on the Turnstiles was reported, & the necessity of having same remedied.