
Mr. W. C. Cuff		The Chairman reported that an informal
		meeting of the Board had taken place that day
		at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool, Messrs W. R. Clayton,
		J. C. Baxter, A. Coffey, J. Davies, J. G. Davies & H. Halsall
		being in attendance, when it was
			Resolved that £50 be voted from the
		Club's funds to Mr. W. C. Cuff in recognition
		of his long Services.

Team selection		Resolved that the team to meet Stockport
v Stockport	County at Home on Saturday be vis selected
County		as follows:-
			Smith		Robinson
		Wareing		Fleetwood	Grenyer
		Miller	Jefferis	Gault	Clennell	Donnachie
		Reserves:- Thompson & Cotter.

Director on Gate:-  Mr. A. Coffey.

Reserve team		The Reserve team should have visited
		Ashton Military Hospital F.C. on Saturday, but
		Lieut W. Walker had written to say that owing to
		his Club having to take part in a Lancashire
		Junior Cup Tie, the match must be postponed.

Entertainment		The Collector of Customs & Excise, London, having
Tax		drawn attention to the contravention of the General
		Condition, Paragraph 20, consequent upon the omission
		to furnish the Annual Return of Entertainments Tax
		due 30th April 1918.

			Resolved that the Company's Auditors be
		instructed to prepare a statement of the Tax
		& issue the necessary Certificate.

Alfd. Pennington	Resolved that the letter of Mrs. Alfd. Pennington
Deceased	regarding sale of tickets for a benefit match on her