
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, November
		26th 1918]

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair
		Messrs	H. Banks
			A. Coffey
			J. Davies
			J. G. Davies
			R. T. Francis
			H. Halsall

Minutes		The Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed.

		The Secretary reported that a meeting of the Clubs would be
		held at the Grand Hotel, Manchester at 3 pm. on Friday
		next and the Chairman and Secretary were deputed to
		attend in the interests of the Club. He also read the Agenda
		for such meeting and the F.A. letter of the 13th inst. (attached

Cup Tie at	The Secretary reported that he had received on the 21st inst.
Tranmere	cheque for £7.3.2 from Mr. D. C. Edwards as our
Novr. 16th	share of the receipts in the above match. That he had
		written Mr. Cooke acknowledging the receipt of cheque
		and asking for full details of receipts and expenditure
		for transmission to the Lancashire F.A. but up to the
		moment he had not had any reply. The Secretary
		was instructed to press for the necessary details.

		The Secretary reported the receipts in respect of Season Tickets
		up to Saturday last were 10/- and the tax thereon 2/-.
		The payment of the Entertainments tax (2/-) was confirmed.

		Saturday's game was reported.