
		[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel,
		November 5th 1918]

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. (Chair)
		Messrs	H. Banks
			A. Coffey
			J. Davies
			J. G. Davies
			H. Halsall

Minutes		The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.

Damage		The Secretary reported that an examination of the turnstile 
to coat		failed to discover any nail or other projection likely to
		give rise to the claim by Mr. George Crawford for damages
		to his clothing, and that he had consequently written
		repudiating liability. The Secretary's action was 

		The match at Goodison Park was reported.

		The gross receipts were reported to be £867.7.4, the
		Entertainments Tax £192.16.5 and on the sale of
		Season Tickets 10/-, the amount due to the League
		Management Committee in respect of the 1% £6.10.6
		and the 2½% to the F.A. Fund £16.6.3 and 20%
		of the balance to Stoke F.C. £125.18.6. These
		payments were confirmed.

		The Lancashire Junior Cup Tie at Warrington was reported
		and that we were victorious by 2 goals to 1 and that we
		were drawn to play Runcorn Highfield at Goodison
		Park on the 16th inst. in the second round. As our
		first team are at home on that date, the Secretary was