263 The Secretary reported that he had rendered duly audited accounts of the Footballs and Football Outfits Fund for the period of 2 years ending 12th October 1917 and 1918. A letter of thanks for our donation to the Red Cross Fund was received and read. The Secretary was instructed to obtain a stock of football boots from Suggs and Manfield & Sons. The collection on Saturday next to be in aid of the Football Fund. The Chairman reported that he and Messrs Lythgoe and Atherton representing the Football Combination (now for a long time defunct) had conferred as to the distribution of the assets thereof which consisted of a large cup. He reported that all liabilities had been discharged and as Chairman of the Everton Club he had received the cup. That as this Club were under promise to provide a cup for the new Liverpool League he had arranged to sell the Combination Cup in consideration of a smaller and more suitable cup for presentation to the Liverpool League and the sum of £25 and suggested that the £25 be handed to the Football National War Fund. The Chairman's suggestions were approved. The next meeting was fixed for Tuesday, November 5th, at the Bradford Hotel at 3:15 pm. Nov. 5 1918 W. R. Clayton