262 Team v Mitchell Stoke Smith (Thompson) Robinson Fleetwood Wareing Grenyer Miller Jefferis Gault Clennell Donnachie Reserve :- Cotter. Team Wilde Rylands Riley Jackson Recreation Rimmer Johnson Davies Cosgrove Holden Wilson Curtis Shepherd Reserve :- Christie Director on Gate - Mr. Clayton Director to Warrington - Mr. Halsall, failing him Mr. Coffey s The Secretary was instructed to pay Gault 50/- and s Wareing 55/- for loss of employment owing to injuries at football. Letter of complaint was read regarding the crushing at the exit gates prior to the closing of the match on Saturday last and the Secretary was instructed to give instructions to obviate this in future. Also a claim for damage to a coat through a protruding nail at one of the turnstiles. The Secretary was instructed to do what was necessary. An application by Runcorn Highfield for a joint Liverpool and Everton team to play them at Runcorn on Boxing day in aid of the Prisoners of War and Red Cross was, so far as our Club was concerned, declined.