15 and notice boards as follows:- J. North at a cost of £ 5.10.0 B. J. Moss do £ 8.17.6 R. W. Burnand do £12.15.0 and that on Mr. Kelly's instructions he had accepted the estimate of J. North at £5.10.0. His action was confirmed. Mr. J. North having applied for a payment on account of his estimate it was resolved that he be paid the sum of £2.10.0. Letters were read from Robert McNeal and Joseph Smith intimating their willingness to assist us in the coming season. Tender for supplying 2 galvanized wire window guards for windows in the Bullens Road Stands from Mr. M. McGovern at a cost of £2.17.6 was accepted. Bovril Ltd. having applied for a renewal of privileges for season 1916-17 for the sum of £8, their offer was accepted. St. Mirren F.C. having written that as our player W. Brown was resident in their district working on munitions, they would be glad of our permission to approach him with a view to him assisting them in the coming season. The Assistant Secretary reported that he, on Mr. Clayton's instructions, had replied that we had had no intimation from Brown that he intended leaving Liverpool and that we expected him to play for us during the coming season. The next meeting was fixed for Monday the 14th inst. at the close of the trial match. August 14th 1916 W. R. Clayton