255 [Meeting of Directors held at Bradford Hotel October 15th 1918] Present W. R. Clayton Esq. Chair Messrs H. Banks A. Coffey J. Davies J. G. Davies E. Green H. Halsall Minutes The minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Kirsopp The Secretary submitted a letter from the C.O. of the Scots Guards stating that our application for Kirsopp's release from military service had been referred to the Ministry of National Service. The Secretary reported a. The receipt of cheque for £137.16.10 being 20% of the net receipts L'pool v Everton the gross receipts being £949.10.2. b. That the gross receipts Everton v L'pool were £1228.13.3. The Following payments being passed Entertainment tax on receipts £264.18.9 do on season Tickets £ 1.11.4 1% League Mgmt. Expenses £ 9. 7.7 2½ to F.A. fund £ 23. 4.4 20% to L'pool F.C. £181. 2.1 with regards to the 2½% to the F.A. fund the Secretary's contention that the 2½% deduction after the 1% deduction was in order had been upheld by the Management Committee. c. That letter of sympathy with Misses Ramsay